Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So here we are, sitting at the airport in Amsterdam. We just flew about 9 hours and have an hour or so until we get on the flight to London. 
It was uneventful, which is what you want in a flight. I can't say as much for the day before. 
Quattro got totally sick on his last day of school, which had us heading for the doctors office less than 20 hours before we were set to take off. High fever, barf, the whole bit... it was ugly. But then around 11 p.m. he woke up, saw a commercial for "Trix" cereal and said he was hungry (Eddie went and bought the Trix, and why not- Trix are for kids, points for Eddie). So the trip was back n as scheduled, there was no barf, only a slight fever midway through, which lead to a 3 hour nap for him.
Right now we are drinking some coffee, tea and hot chocolate at a cafe. I'm typing (sorry if it isn't interesting yet, I'm exhausted) and Q and E are counting their Euros, which Q had our driver let him out before we left the house, so he could run in and grab his piggy bank full of foreign currency which he collected on his last tour of Europe- that kid is always thinking. He just told me "see we are doing math class right now" and I gotta say he's right. I give him props, I used my credit card to buy a magazine because I didn't want to find the right change... we all have our ways of staying in touch with math. Currently mine was trying to figure out how many glasses of water I had on the 9 hour flight and then just for fun, I tried to count up how many times I used the loo... a lot.
Alright, I see where this is headed.
Write more later.

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